Default Curio Configuration
The default curio configuration
# EnableWindowPost enables window post to be executed on this curio instance. Each machine in the cluster
# with WindowPoSt enabled will also participate in the window post scheduler. It is possible to have multiple
# machines with WindowPoSt enabled which will provide redundancy, and in case of multiple partitions per deadline,
# will allow for parallel processing of partitions.
# It is possible to have instances handling both WindowPoSt and WinningPoSt, which can provide redundancy without
# the need for additional machines. In setups like this it is generally recommended to run
# partitionsPerDeadline+1 machines.
# type: bool
#EnableWindowPost = false
# type: int
#WindowPostMaxTasks = 0
# EnableWinningPost enables winning post to be executed on this curio instance.
# Each machine in the cluster with WinningPoSt enabled will also participate in the winning post scheduler.
# It is possible to mix machines with WindowPoSt and WinningPoSt enabled, for details see the EnableWindowPost
# documentation.
# type: bool
#EnableWinningPost = false
# type: int
#WinningPostMaxTasks = 0
# EnableParkPiece enables the "piece parking" task to run on this node. This task is responsible for fetching
# pieces from the network and storing them in the storage subsystem until sectors are sealed. This task is
# only applicable when integrating with boost, and should be enabled on nodes which will hold deal data
# from boost until sectors containing the related pieces have the TreeD/TreeR constructed.
# Note that future Curio implementations will have a separate task type for fetching pieces from the internet.
# type: bool
#EnableParkPiece = false
# type: int
#ParkPieceMaxTasks = 0
# EnableSealSDR enables SDR tasks to run. SDR is the long sequential computation
# creating 11 layer files in sector cache directory.
# SDR is the first task in the sealing pipeline. It's inputs are just the hash of the
# unsealed data (CommD), sector number, miner id, and the seal proof type.
# It's outputs are the 11 layer files in the sector cache directory.
# In lotus-miner this was run as part of PreCommit1.
# type: bool
#EnableSealSDR = false
# The maximum amount of SDR tasks that can run simultaneously. Note that the maximum number of tasks will
# also be bounded by resources available on the machine.
# type: int
#SealSDRMaxTasks = 0
# The maximum amount of SDR tasks that need to be queued before the system will start accepting new tasks.
# The main purpose of this setting is to allow for enough tasks to accumulate for batch sealing. When batch sealing
# nodes are present in the cluster, this value should be set to batch_size+1 to allow for the batch sealing node to
# fill up the batch.
# This setting can also be used to give priority to other nodes in the cluster by setting this value to a higher
# value on the nodes which should have less priority.
# type: int
#SealSDRMinTasks = 0
# EnableSealSDRTrees enables the SDR pipeline tree-building task to run.
# This task handles encoding of unsealed data into last sdr layer and building
# of TreeR, TreeC and TreeD.
# This task runs after SDR
# TreeD is first computed with optional input of unsealed data
# TreeR is computed from replica, which is first computed as field
# addition of the last SDR layer and the bottom layer of TreeD (which is the unsealed data)
# TreeC is computed from the 11 SDR layers
# The 3 trees will later be used to compute the PoRep proof.
# In case of SyntheticPoRep challenges for PoRep will be pre-generated at this step, and trees and layers
# will be dropped. SyntheticPoRep works by pre-generating a very large set of challenges (~30GiB on disk)
# then using a small subset of them for the actual PoRep computation. This allows for significant scratch space
# saving between PreCommit and PoRep generation at the expense of more computation (generating challenges in this step)
# In lotus-miner this was run as part of PreCommit2 (TreeD was run in PreCommit1).
# Note that nodes with SDRTrees enabled will also answer to Finalize tasks,
# which just remove unneeded tree data after PoRep is computed.
# type: bool
#EnableSealSDRTrees = false
# The maximum amount of SealSDRTrees tasks that can run simultaneously. Note that the maximum number of tasks will
# also be bounded by resources available on the machine.
# type: int
#SealSDRTreesMaxTasks = 0
# FinalizeMaxTasks is the maximum amount of finalize tasks that can run simultaneously.
# The finalize task is enabled on all machines which also handle SDRTrees tasks. Finalize ALWAYS runs on whichever
# machine holds sector cache files, as it removes unneeded tree data after PoRep is computed.
# Finalize will run in parallel with the SubmitCommitMsg task.
# type: int
#FinalizeMaxTasks = 0
# EnableSendPrecommitMsg enables the sending of precommit messages to the chain
# from this curio instance.
# This runs after SDRTrees and uses the output CommD / CommR (roots of TreeD / TreeR) for the message
# type: bool
#EnableSendPrecommitMsg = false
# EnablePoRepProof enables the computation of the porep proof
# This task runs after interactive-porep seed becomes available, which happens 150 epochs (75min) after the
# precommit message lands on chain. This task should run on a machine with a GPU. Vanilla PoRep proofs are
# requested from the machine which holds sector cache files which most likely is the machine which ran the SDRTrees
# task.
# In lotus-miner this was Commit1 / Commit2
# type: bool
#EnablePoRepProof = false
# The maximum amount of PoRepProof tasks that can run simultaneously. Note that the maximum number of tasks will
# also be bounded by resources available on the machine.
# type: int
#PoRepProofMaxTasks = 0
# EnableSendCommitMsg enables the sending of commit messages to the chain
# from this curio instance.
# type: bool
#EnableSendCommitMsg = false
# Whether to abort if any sector activation in a batch fails (newly sealed sectors, only with ProveCommitSectors3).
# type: bool
#RequireActivationSuccess = true
# Whether to abort if any sector activation in a batch fails (updating sectors, only with ProveReplicaUpdates3).
# type: bool
#RequireNotificationSuccess = true
# EnableMoveStorage enables the move-into-long-term-storage task to run on this curio instance.
# This tasks should only be enabled on nodes with long-term storage.
# The MoveStorage task is the last task in the sealing pipeline. It moves the sealed sector data from the
# SDRTrees machine into long-term storage. This task runs after the Finalize task.
# type: bool
#EnableMoveStorage = false
# NoUnsealedDecode disables the decoding sector data on this node. Normally data encoding is enabled by default on
# storage nodes with the MoveStorage task enabled. Setting this option to true means that unsealed data for sectors
# will not be stored on this node
# type: bool
#NoUnsealedDecode = false
# The maximum amount of MoveStorage tasks that can run simultaneously. Note that the maximum number of tasks will
# also be bounded by resources available on the machine. It is recommended that this value is set to a number which
# uses all available network (or disk) bandwidth on the machine without causing bottlenecks.
# type: int
#MoveStorageMaxTasks = 0
# EnableUpdateEncode enables the encoding step of the SnapDeal process on this curio instance.
# This step involves encoding the data into the sector and computing updated TreeR (uses gpu).
# type: bool
#EnableUpdateEncode = false
# EnableUpdateProve enables the proving step of the SnapDeal process on this curio instance.
# This step generates the snark proof for the updated sector.
# type: bool
#EnableUpdateProve = false
# EnableUpdateSubmit enables the submission of SnapDeal proofs to the blockchain from this curio instance.
# This step submits the generated proofs to the chain.
# type: bool
#EnableUpdateSubmit = false
# UpdateEncodeMaxTasks sets the maximum number of concurrent SnapDeal encoding tasks that can run on this instance.
# type: int
#UpdateEncodeMaxTasks = 0
# UpdateProveMaxTasks sets the maximum number of concurrent SnapDeal proving tasks that can run on this instance.
# type: int
#UpdateProveMaxTasks = 0
# EnableCommP enabled the commP task on te node. CommP is calculated before sending PublishDealMessage for a Mk12
# deal, and when checking sector data with 'curio unseal check'.
# type: bool
#EnableCommP = false
# BoostAdapters is a list of tuples of miner address and port/ip to listen for market (e.g. boost) requests.
# This interface is compatible with the lotus-miner RPC, implementing a subset needed for storage market operations.
# Strings should be in the format "actor:ip:port". IP cannot be We recommend using a private IP.
# Example: "f0123:". Multiple addresses can be specified.
# When a market node like boost gives Curio's market RPC a deal to placing into a sector, Curio will first store the
# deal data in a temporary location "Piece Park" before assigning it to a sector. This requires that at least one
# node in the cluster has the EnableParkPiece option enabled and has sufficient scratch space to store the deal data.
# This is different from lotus-miner which stored the deal data into an "unsealed" sector as soon as the deal was
# received. Deal data in PiecePark is accessed when the sector TreeD and TreeR are computed, but isn't needed for
# the initial SDR layers computation. Pieces in PiecePark are removed after all sectors referencing the piece are
# sealed.
# To get API info for boost configuration run 'curio market rpc-info'
# NOTE: All deal data will flow through this service, so it should be placed on a machine running boost or on
# a machine which handles ParkPiece tasks.
# type: []string
#BoostAdapters = []
# EnableWebGui enables the web GUI on this curio instance. The UI has minimal local overhead, but it should
# only need to be run on a single machine in the cluster.
# type: bool
#EnableWebGui = false
# The address that should listen for Web GUI requests.
# type: string
#GuiAddress = ""
# UseSyntheticPoRep enables the synthetic PoRep for all new sectors. When set to true, will reduce the amount of
# cache data held on disk after the completion of TreeRC task to 11GiB.
# type: bool
#UseSyntheticPoRep = false
# The maximum amount of SyntheticPoRep tasks that can run simultaneously. Note that the maximum number of tasks will
# also be bounded by resources available on the machine.
# type: int
#SyntheticPoRepMaxTasks = 0
# Batch Seal
# type: bool
#EnableBatchSeal = false
# type: types.FIL
#DefaultMaxFee = "0.07 FIL"
# type: types.FIL
#MaxPreCommitGasFee = "0.025 FIL"
# type: types.FIL
#MaxCommitGasFee = "0.05 FIL"
# type: types.FIL
#MaxTerminateGasFee = "0.5 FIL"
# WindowPoSt is a high-value operation, so the default fee should be high.
# type: types.FIL
#MaxWindowPoStGasFee = "5 FIL"
# type: types.FIL
#MaxPublishDealsFee = "0.05 FIL"
# Whether to use available miner balance for sector collateral instead of sending it with each message
# type: bool
#CollateralFromMinerBalance = false
# Don't send collateral with messages even if there is no available balance in the miner actor
# type: bool
#DisableCollateralFallback = false
# type: types.FIL
#Base = "0 FIL"
# type: types.FIL
#PerSector = "0.02 FIL"
# type: types.FIL
#Base = "0 FIL"
# type: types.FIL
#PerSector = "0.03 FIL"
#PreCommitControl = []
#CommitControl = []
#TerminateControl = []
#DisableOwnerFallback = false
#DisableWorkerFallback = false
#MinerAddresses = []
# Maximum number of sector checks to run in parallel. (0 = unlimited)
# WARNING: Setting this value too high may make the node crash by running out of stack
# WARNING: Setting this value too low may make sector challenge reading much slower, resulting in failed PoSt due
# to late submission.
# After changing this option, confirm that the new value works in your setup by invoking
# 'curio test wd task 0'
# type: int
#ParallelCheckLimit = 32
# Maximum amount of time a proving pre-check can take for a sector. If the check times out the sector will be skipped
# WARNING: Setting this value too low risks in sectors being skipped even though they are accessible, just reading the
# test challenge took longer than this timeout
# WARNING: Setting this value too high risks missing PoSt deadline in case IO operations related to this sector are
# blocked (e.g. in case of disconnected NFS mount)
# type: Duration
#SingleCheckTimeout = "10m0s"
# Maximum amount of time a proving pre-check can take for an entire partition. If the check times out, sectors in
# the partition which didn't get checked on time will be skipped
# WARNING: Setting this value too low risks in sectors being skipped even though they are accessible, just reading the
# test challenge took longer than this timeout
# WARNING: Setting this value too high risks missing PoSt deadline in case IO operations related to this partition are
# blocked or slow
# type: Duration
#PartitionCheckTimeout = "20m0s"
# Maximum number of sectors that can be queued waiting for deals to start processing.
# 0 = unlimited
# Note: This mechanism will delay taking deal data from markets, providing backpressure to the market subsystem.
# The DealSector queue includes deals which are ready to enter the sealing pipeline but are not yet part of it -
# size of this queue will also impact the maximum number of ParkPiece tasks which can run concurrently.
# DealSector queue is the first queue in the sealing pipeline, meaning that it should be used as the primary backpressure mechanism.
# type: int
#MaxQueueDealSector = 8
# Maximum number of sectors that can be queued waiting for SDR to start processing.
# 0 = unlimited
# Note: This mechanism will delay taking deal data from markets, providing backpressure to the market subsystem.
# The SDR queue includes deals which are in the process of entering the sealing pipeline. In case of the SDR tasks it is
# possible that this queue grows more than this limit(CC sectors), the backpressure is only applied to sectors
# entering the pipeline.
# Only applies to PoRep pipeline (DoSnap = false)
# type: int
#MaxQueueSDR = 8
# Maximum number of sectors that can be queued waiting for SDRTrees to start processing.
# 0 = unlimited
# Note: This mechanism will delay taking deal data from markets, providing backpressure to the market subsystem.
# In case of the trees tasks it is possible that this queue grows more than this limit, the backpressure is only
# applied to sectors entering the pipeline.
# Only applies to PoRep pipeline (DoSnap = false)
# type: int
#MaxQueueTrees = 0
# Maximum number of sectors that can be queued waiting for PoRep to start processing.
# 0 = unlimited
# Note: This mechanism will delay taking deal data from markets, providing backpressure to the market subsystem.
# Like with the trees tasks, it is possible that this queue grows more than this limit, the backpressure is only
# applied to sectors entering the pipeline.
# Only applies to PoRep pipeline (DoSnap = false)
# type: int
#MaxQueuePoRep = 0
# MaxQueueSnapEncode is the maximum number of sectors that can be queued waiting for UpdateEncode to start processing.
# 0 means unlimited.
# This applies backpressure to the market subsystem by delaying the ingestion of deal data.
# Only applies to the Snap Deals pipeline (DoSnap = true).
# type: int
#MaxQueueSnapEncode = 16
# MaxQueueSnapProve is the maximum number of sectors that can be queued waiting for UpdateProve to start processing.
# 0 means unlimited.
# This applies backpressure to the market subsystem by delaying the ingestion of deal data.
# Only applies to the Snap Deals pipeline (DoSnap = true).
# type: int
#MaxQueueSnapProve = 0
# Maximum time an open deal sector should wait for more deal before it starts sealing
# type: Duration
#MaxDealWaitTime = "1h0m0s"
# DoSnap enables the snap deal process for deals ingested by this instance. Unlike in lotus-miner there is no
# fallback to porep when no sectors are available to snap into. When enabled all deals will be snap deals.
# type: bool
#DoSnap = false
# BatchSealSectorSize Allows setting the sector size supported by the batch seal task.
# Can be any value as long as it is "32GiB".
# type: string
#BatchSealSectorSize = "32GiB"
# Number of sectors in a seal batch. Depends on hardware and supraseal configuration.
# type: int
#BatchSealBatchSize = 32
# Number of parallel pipelines. Can be 1 or 2. Depends on available raw block storage
# type: int
#BatchSealPipelines = 2
# SingleHasherPerThread is a compatibility flag for older CPUs. Zen3 and later supports two sectors per thread.
# Set to false for older CPUs (Zen 2 and before).
# type: bool
#SingleHasherPerThread = false
# Chain API auth secret for the Curio nodes to use.
# type: string
#StorageRPCSecret = ""
# MinimumWalletBalance is the minimum balance all active wallets. If the balance is below this value, an
# alerts will be triggered for the wallet
# type: types.FIL
#MinimumWalletBalance = "5 FIL"
# Enable is a flag to enable or disable the PagerDuty integration.
# type: bool
#Enable = false
# PagerDutyEventURL is URL for Events API v2 URL. Events sent to this API URL are ultimately
# routed to a service and processed.
# The default is sufficient for integration with the stock commercial company's service.
# type: string
#PagerDutyEventURL = ""
# PageDutyIntegrationKey is the integration key for a service. You can find this unique service
# identifier in the integration page for the service.
# type: string
#PageDutyIntegrationKey = ""
# Enable is a flag to enable or disable the Prometheus AlertManager integration.
# type: bool
#Enable = false
# AlertManagerURL is the URL for the Prometheus AlertManager API v2 URL.
# type: string
#AlertManagerURL = "http://localhost:9093/api/v2/alerts"
# Enable is a flag to enable or disable the Prometheus AlertManager integration.
# type: bool
#Enable = false
# WebHookURL is the URL for the URL for slack Webhook.
# Example:
# type: string
#WebHookURL = ""
Last updated