
This guide will show how to build, install and update Curio binaries

Debian package installation

Curio packages are available to be installed directly on Ubuntu / Debian systems.

Debain packages are only available for mainnet right now. For any other network like calibration network or devnet, binaries must be built from source.

  1. Install prerequisites\

    sudo apt install mesa-opencl-icd ocl-icd-opencl-dev gcc git bzr jq pkg-config curl clang build-essential hwloc libhwloc-dev wget libarchive-dev -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
  2. Enable Curio package repo\

    sudo wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/curiostorage-archive-keyring.gpg
    echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/curiostorage-archive-keyring.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/curiostorage.list
    sudo apt update
  3. Install Curio binaries based on your GPU. For NVIDIA GPUs:\

    sudo apt install curio-cuda

    For OpenCL GPUs:

    sudo apt install curio-opencl

Linux Build from source

You can build the Curio executables from source by following these steps.

Software dependencies

You will need the following software installed to install and run Curio.


Building Curio requires some system dependencies, usually provided by your distribution.


sudo pacman -Syu opencl-icd-loader gcc git bzr jq pkg-config opencl-icd-loader opencl-headers opencl-nvidia hwloc libarchive


sudo apt install mesa-opencl-icd ocl-icd-opencl-dev gcc git bzr jq pkg-config curl clang build-essential hwloc libhwloc-dev wget libarchive-dev -y && sudo apt upgrade -y


sudo dnf -y install gcc make git bzr jq pkgconfig mesa-libOpenCL mesa-libOpenCL-devel opencl-headers ocl-icd ocl-icd-devel clang llvm wget hwloc hwloc-devel libarchive-devel


sudo zypper in gcc git jq make libOpenCL1 opencl-headers ocl-icd-devel clang llvm hwloc libarchive-devel && sudo ln -s /usr/lib64/ /usr/lib64/

Amazon Linux 2:

sudo yum install -y; sudo yum install -y git gcc bzr jq pkgconfig clang llvm mesa-libGL-devel opencl-headers ocl-icd ocl-icd-devel hwloc-devel libarchive-devel


Curio needs rustup. The easiest way to install it is:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh


To build Curio, you need a working installation of Go: It needs to be at-least the version specified here.

Example of an OLD version's CLI download:

wget -c -O - | sudo tar -xz -C /usr/local

System Configuration

Before you proceed with the installation, you should increase the UDP buffer. You can do this by running the following commands:

sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=2097152
sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_default=2097152

Build and install Curio

Once all the dependencies are installed, you can build and install Curio.

  1. Clone the repository:

git clone
cd curio/
  1. Switch to the latest stable release branch:

git checkout <release version>
  1. Depending on your CPU model, you will want to export additional environment variables:

    1. If you have an AMD Zen or Intel Ice Lake CPU (or later), enable the use of SHA extensions by adding these two environment variables:\

      export RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native -g"
      export FFI_BUILD_FROM_SOURCE=1

      See the Native Filecoin FFI section for more details about this process.

    2. Some older Intel and AMD processors without the ADX instruction support may panic with illegal instruction errors. To solve this, add the CGO_CFLAGS environment variable:\

      export CGO_CFLAGS="-D__BLST_PORTABLE__"
    3. By default, a ‘multicore-sdr’ option is used in the proofs library. This feature is also used in FFI unless explicitly disabled. To disable building with the ‘multicore-sdr’ dependency, set FFI_USE_MULTICORE_SDR to 0:\

      export FFI_USE_MULTICORE_SDR=0
  2. Build and install Curio: Curio is compiled to operate on a single network. Choose the network you want to join, then run the corresponding command to build the Curio node:

# For Mainnet:
make clean build

# For Calibration Testnet:
make clean calibnet

Install Curio:

sudo make install

This will put curio in /usr/local/bin. curio will use the $HOME/.curio folder by default.

Run curio --version

curio version 1.23.0+mainnet+git_ae625a5_2024-08-21T15:21:45+04:00
# or
curio version 1.23.0+calibnet+git_ae625a5_2024-08-21T15:21:45+04:00
  1. You should now have Curio installed. You can now finish setting up the Curio node.

Native Filecoin FFI

Some newer CPU architectures like AMD’s Zen and Intel’s Ice Lake have support for SHA extensions. Having these extensions enabled significantly speeds up your Curio node. To make full use of your processor’s capabilities, make sure you set the following variables before building from source:

export RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native -g"

This method of building does not produce portable binaries. Make sure you run the binary on the same computer as you built it.

MacOS Build from source

You can build the Curio executables from source by following these steps.

Software dependencies

You must have XCode and Homebrew installed to build Curio from source.

XCode Command Line Tools

Curio requires that X-Code CLI tools be installed before building the Curio binaries.

Check if you already have the XCode Command Line Tools installed via the CLI, run:

xcode-select -p

This should output something like:


If this command returns a path, then you have Xcode already installed! You can move on to installing dependencies with Homebrew. If the above command doesn’t return a path, install Xcode:

xcode-select --install

Next up is installing Curio’s dependencies using Homebrew.


We recommend that macOS users use Homebrew to install each of the necessary packages.

Use the command brew install to install the following packages:

brew install go bzr jq pkg-config hwloc coreutils

Next up is cloning the Lotus repository and building the executables.


Rustup is an installer for the systems programming language Rust. Run the installer and follow the onscreen prompts. The default installation option should be chosen unless you are familiar with customisation:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Build and install Curio

The installation instructions are different depending on which CPU is in your Mac:

Arm based CPUs

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd curio/
  2. Switch to the latest stable release branch:

    git checkout <release version>
  3. Create the necessary environment variables to allow Curio to run on Arm architecture:

    export LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib
    export PATH="$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"
  4. Build the curio binary:

    make clean curio
  5. Run the final make command to move this curio executable to /usr/local/bin. This allows you to run curio from any directory.

    sudo make install
  6. Run curio --version

    curio version 1.23.0+mainnet+git_ae625a5_2024-08-21T15:21:45+04:00
    # or
    curio version 1.23.0+calibnet+git_ae625a5_2024-08-21T15:21:45+04:00
  7. You should now have Curio installed. You can now set up a new Curio cluster or migrating from Lotus-Miner.

Intel CPUs

❗These instructions are for installing Curio on an Intel Mac. If you have an Arm-based CPU, use the Arm-based CPU instructions ↑

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd curio/
  2. Switch to the latest stable release branch:

    git checkout <release version>
  3. Build and install Curio:

    make clean curio
    sudo make install
  4. Run curio --version

    curio version 1.23.0+mainnet+git_ae625a5_2024-08-21T15:21:45+04:00
    # or
    curio version 1.23.0+calibnet+git_ae625a5_2024-08-21T15:21:45+04:00

    You can now finish setting up the Curio node.

Last updated