
This guide describes how to update logging preferences in Curio.

Log file configuration

Each Curio node generates Go logs which are directed to /var/log/curio/curio.log file by default if you are running Curio as a systemd service.

Redirect Go logs to a file

By default, Curio redirect all logs to the standard output if not running as a systemd service. To change this behaviour, add the following variable to the .bashrc file and restart the curio process to start redirecting all logs to the file.

export GOLOG_OUTPUT=FILE >> ~/.bashrc
export GOLOG_FILE="$HOME/curio.log" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

Redirect Rust logs to a standard output

By default the fil_logger library used by rust-fil-proof doesn’t log anything. You can change this by setting the RUST_LOG environment variable to another level. This will show log output on stderr which can be redirected to a file either by systemd or in the shell while launching the curio process manually.

Using systemd service file:

export RUST_LOG=info >> /etc/curio.env
systemctl restart curio.service

Running Curio manually:

export RUST_LOG=info >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc

The log-level can be chosen between 5 options:

  • trace

  • debug

  • info

  • warn

  • error

Change logging verbosity

The verbosity of the curio logs can be changed without restarting the service or process. The following command can be used to list different subsystems within the curio process and change the verbosity of individual subsystem to get more/less detailed logs.

curio cli --machine <Machine IP:Port> log list

To change the verbosity, please run:

curio cli --machine <Machine IP:Port> log set-level --system chain debug

The log-level can be chosen between 4 options:

  • debug

  • info

  • warn

  • error

You can specify multiple subsystems to change the log level of multiple subsystems at once.

curio cli --machine <Machine IP:Port> log set-level --system chain --system chainxchg debug

Last updated