Docker Devnet

How to run a local network with Curio using docker


To ensure a stable and functional network, the Curio devnet requires running multiple binaries in parallel. To simplify this process, we have packaged the devnet using Docker. Please make sure to install the latest version of Docker on your system before proceeding.

Building Docker images

Build images from the root of the Curio repository

make clean docker/devnet
  • If you need to build containers using a specific version of lotus then provide the version as a parameter. The version must be a tag of Lotus git repo. We are shipping images for all releases from Lotus in our Github image repo.\

    make clean docker/devnet lotus_version=v1.29.2


  • If the branch or tag you requested does not exist in our Github image repository then you can build the lotus image manually.\

    make clean docker/devnet lotus_version=test/branch1 build_lotus=1

Start devnet Docker stack

  • Run

make devnet/up
  • It will spin up lotus, lotus-miner, yugabyte, curio and piece-server containers. All temporary data will be saved in ./docker/data folder.

  • The initial setup could take up to 5 min or more as it needs to download Filecoin proof parameters. During the initial setup, it is normal to see error messages in the log. Containers are waiting for the lotus to be ready. It may timeout several times. Restart is expected to be managed by docker.

  • Try opening the Curio GUI http://localhost:4701 . Devnet is ready to operate when the URL opens and indicates no errors on the startup page.

  • You can inspect the status using cd docker/devnet && docker compose logs -f.

Make a deal in devnet

  1. Login to piece-server container either via docker desktop UI or with below command

    docker exec -it piece-server /bin/bash
  2. Run the below command to make a deal and follow the on-screen instructions.


Last updated