Enabling market

How to enable the market submodule and connect to Boost


Curio offers a market submodule that enables seamless integration with Boost without requiring any changes to the Boost code base. This document will guide you through enabling the market in Curio, configuring PiecePark, and setting up both existing and new Boost instances.

Enable Market adapter in Curio

Edit Market Config

curio config add --title mt01000

Add an entry like:

  EnableParkPiece = true
  BoostAdapters = ["t10000:"]

Press ctrl + D to save and exit.

You should run only one Curio market adapter node per minerID. Boost can only talk to one adapter at a time.

Edit the /etc/curio.env file and update the CURIO_LAYERS variable to include the new market layer as well.


Restart the Curio service for the changes to take effect.

Node running the market is the node that Boost will interact with. It proxies deal data, so it is best to run it either next to Boost or on the same node running TreeD (and TreeRC) tasks. TreeD is where we add the deal data to the sectors.

Connecting with Boost

Get Market RPC Info

curio market rpc-info --layers mt01000

If the output of rpc-info is empty then you have likely not included the correct layer containing the BoostAdapters configuration. Please recheck your --layers flag.

Connect with existing Boost after migration

Use the market rpc-info string to replace the SealerApiInfo and SectorIndexApiInfo string in the Boost config and restart Boost.

Initialising New Boost

Follow the Boost Setup Instructions with additional change of replacing MINER_API_INFO with the market rpc-info string.

Updating PeerID and On-Chain Address

Make sure that the correct peer id and multiaddr for your SP is set on chain, given that boost init generates a new identity. Use the following commands to update the values on chain:

Find the PeerID

boostd net id

Find the address

boostd net listen

Set on chain

sptool --actor <miner id> actor set-addrs <MULTIADDR>
sptool --actor <miner id> actor set-peer-id <PEER_ID>

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